Four years after the foundation of the International Institute of Geopoetics  (1989), the founder-president set before the General Assembly of 1993 a plan for an extension of the Institute that he called its « archipelisation ».


This involved the creation, in different countries, different places, of a network of centres, workshops, etc. (the names can vary), with several aims in view : alleviate the weight of central administration, dynamize associative action, give the geopoetic idea local applications.


This « archipelisation » in no way meant, as some overhasty minds assumed, the progressive end of the Institute as such, nor its assumption of a status of absentee owner or deus absconditus. The intention, the conception, the vision, was of a more complex organisation, a subtle combination of resolution and suppleness.


For a group to constitute itself as a centre within the Institute, and to be recognized as such, certain conditions have to be respected. The group will make contact with the Institute, and present a work-project, the sktech of a programme. Based on, inspired by, the geopoetic idea, these projects and programmes can be situated within already established fields such as poetics, philosophy, the natural sciences, the visual arts, etc. – the possibilities are many. Once the project has been accepted (on occasion after discussion with the president), the group will be habilitated.


Whatever be their social denomination and administrative constitution (informal, or formal, as in accordance with the French association law of 1901 and its equivalent in other countries), the troups are affiliated to the International Institute of Geopoetics. This affiliation implies a moral bond, an intellectual adhesion, and a poetic (in the large sense of the word) orientation. Let it be made clear that affiliation does not imply subjection, but autonomous responsibility.


The formula « affiliated to the International Institute of Geopoetics founded in 1989 by Kenneth White » must be clearly present in the statutes as on all correspondence and publication of the group. This, to preserve in a clearly affirmed way the coherence of the whole organisation, and to avoid confusion, amalgamation, deformation. The term « geopoetics » exercises a strong attraction, and is often used indiscriminately. If this can hardly be avoided on the totally public scale (though every effort will be made to locate and rectify deformations), it’s important that members of the Institute maintain a constant reference to the central nucleus of meaning and intention, as expressed, succinctly, in the inaugural text, explicitly in the founding texts and extensively in the work of Kenneth White.


The organigram of the International Institute of Geopoetics is, therefore, as follows. The Institute is the encompassing organism. The groups form and operate within the field thus opened. The groups are habilitated by the Institute to dialogue with local instances and institutions. It’s the International Institute that maintains the dialogue with national and international institutions and instances.


On joining the International Institute of Geopoetics, the new member will be informed if there is a group near his or her address. If a person turns first to one of the centres or workshops, he or she should be directed to the Institute. This, again, to maintain the coherence of the complete organisation, and so that every individual will be informed about, and hence be always aware of, the whole scheme and scope of geopoetics.


Lastly, so as to avoid aberrations due, for example, to changes in the  directorship and orientation of any given group after the original habilitation, the Institute will expect a short annual report of activities from the groups. These reports will be consigned in the Institute’s bulletin of information. In cases, hopefully extremely rare, when significant deviance is ascertained, the Institute will be obliged to withdraw habilitation.


Kenneth White
April 2002.